
"Better Late than Never"

"Better Late than Never"
by AG. Andreas Sindudharma

President Vicky since few months ago has requested me to contribute in writing article that can inspire us as Rotarians. I have to say that it was easier said than done because I don’t think I have good capability in inspiring my fellow Rotarians in Gambir. I have to say due to my current profession it is really tough to find spare time for myself let alone to contribute to the club and my community. I almost came to the point that I am quite ashamed to myself on my track record as Rotarian.

Since last week I was touched and disturbed by many problems in our lives. All happened the same day : Tsunami in Mentawai, Merapi eruption and terrible flood n jam in Jakarta. During the flood in Jakarta some of us exchanging chat via BBM, how many of us trapped in terrible jam in various places of Jakarta. Even though it was painful to us, I thought people of Mentawai and Merapi must have more loss to deal with than us. My mind tried to think how to help them while doing nothing, sometimes frustrated that many Rotarians have gone to the field carrying supplies for refugees, collecting money and communicating. What about me ?

It so happened by the end of the week I recalled someone from RC Jakarta Gambir who stay in Mentawai Dr. Dave Jenkins. A former Gambir member that did many things in Mentawai. Gambir once helped his cause in Mentawai, supplying Mosquito Nets yet sadly after that our relationship just vanished. I looked for his contact number and its still there. I texted him, checking whether its still his active number and whether hes still in Mentawai. He immediately called me - not replying SMS but called and telling hes in good shape, SurfAid was appointed as the leading coordinator to assist Mentawai  by the Indonesian Government etc. I offered him that I maybe can help. I was not sure what I could help but at least I know somebody well in Mentawai. Then I checked with DG Al Purwa, anything that Rotary would like to do in Mentawai and DG responded asking me to check with AG Eva or AG Paul Getty. I contacted Eva and there she was : excitedly responding my information about somebody trusted that can help her distribute the Shelter Boxes to Mentawai. She already had 1,000 ShelterBoxes in Padang but had no idea how to distribute them to Mentawai. She was very relieved that Shelter Box team can be connected with trusted and capable partner like SurfAid International as she wrote later in the mailing list : What a great news that ex Rotarian and Rotarian are in a big action in Padang and Mentawai.

Moreover in my office every Monday morning is a big meeting that most of the insurance agents gathered, probably around 300 people. I requested a chance to offer a simple announcement that lets do some charity and I belong to Rotary organization that can help channel the money directly. Just less than 2 minutes talk in front of those 300 agents and in two hours time almost Rp. 12 Mio collected and transferred almost 6 mio each to Mentawai via SurfAid and Merapi via Rotary Peduli Merapi.

I couldn’t help to hide my excitement & thankfulness. At last I did something I was proud of. Not because of doing big thing or with big amount of money, nor that I sacrificed a lot of my time to do something important. But I managed to exploit the best Rotary resource but least mentioned : The Network. Rotary is network of people with various capabilities and interests. Yet each Rotarian is also has his/ her own network. What I do is just connecting my network and the Rotary network. As simple as that, spontaneous yet fruitful.

This made me think and reflect : if I focused on my disadvantages like time, money and capability to help other people I wouldnt not be able to do anything. But if I focus on what I can do, I will be still able to help others. Like old saying mentioned so many times : theres always an opportunity in every challenge.

Hope I can do better in the next future and hope my friends find this worth reading. I just did what I can do, no further pretention J

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